- info@pynet.co.ug
- Padre Pio House, Lumumba Avenue, Kampala - Uganda

How It All Began
I was 26 years old in 2016 when I made the decision that I will not work for government or a big company but rather work “with them” not “for them”. If I was to be happy and inspired for the next 25-30 years, I absolutely needed to quench my entrepreneurial thirst and run my own business.
It’s never easy taking a risk in the face of uncertainty.
Energy and persistence conquer all things.-BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
There were more than a few naysayers questioning my decision and some sleepless nights that added to the stress in those early years. Believe me, that’s a very uncomfortable feeling.
But I remained focused, steadfast, determined and tenacious. I simply refused to fail and always found a way around every roadblock.
The Secrete To Sucess
I learned early on that it is the people that make a company great. Happy, motivated employees lead directly to happy, satisfied customers.
So, I’ve always made it a priority to not only hire highly skilled and talented people, but to really get to know each one. To connect with them on a personal level. It helps me to be a better leader and to create a productive and balanced workplace where people are happy.
And when you truly enjoy the company of your team, as I do, you’ve really hit the jackpot. I am lucky enough to consider each one of my “Pynet Family” a friend. It makes coming to work every day a very enjoyable experience.
Part of building a great team is building a great culture. I am proud to say that Pynet has a very open, diverse, collaborative and family-oriented culture, where we all work together towards a common goal. It is one of our greatest differentiators and just one of the reasons so many of our clients stay with us long-term.
A great culture leads to employee loyalty, commitment, dedication, striving for excellence and a passion for the work—all the things that make the Whitecap team so special.

8 Years of existence
Pynet Is born ( The CEO start his first day on the job)
APRIL 2017 – JANUARY 2018
We land our first commercial client, our focus was private sector, MOVIT PRODUCTS LIMITED, M-KOPA SOLAR, Makerere University Private Sector Foundation and few individuals
MARCH 2018 – DECEMBER 2019
We began to focus on NGOS and government bodies, (We land our first international client and government entities, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM – WFP, Enabel, Uganda Heart Institute, Uganda Prisons Services etc)
JANUARY 2020 – to date
we have evolved into multinational company, built strong ties with manufacturers of varies products in of our line of business, partnerships with bigger firms, expanded our cliental chain to 80% of government entities and NGOs operating in Uganda.